Recent Posts in Maid Service Category
Posted By MyGuy
Just like waiting too long in between dentist appointments, many people wait too long in between professional carpet cleanings. Harmless as it may seem, waiting too long between cleanings can dramatically reduce the life of your carpet. You have a huge air filter in your home, and it's called your carpet. The carpet cleaning experts are often asked how often I should get my carpet cleaned. ...
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Posted By MyGuy
Managing your home can be a full time job. As many of us know, keeping a clean, as well as a tidy house can be an unending chore robbing you of your own spare time. If your daily life seems to be centered around doing house cleaning activities such as mopping floors, vacuum-cleaning, dusting and changing bed linens, it might be time to consider hiring a professional maid or cleaning service. Look ...
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Posted By MyGuy
Do you know according to many Scientists, through recent studies, that many of the chemicals in traditional cleaning products can aggreviate and can sometimes cause asthma, allergies and other serious illnesses? Your family and pets can be exposed to toxic household chemicals through inhalation and skin absorption, not just by consumption. There are many great new cleaning products on the market ...
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